Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Formal Analysis of Lindts Advertisement - 683 Words

A Formal Analysis of Lindts Advertisement This is an advertisement of a renowned Swiss chocolate company, Lindt. What is being advertised is the companys well-known product, Lindor. It is a chocolate truffle with a hard chocolate shell and a smooth chocolate filling. The ad is composed of several objects: In the foreground of the image, a chocolate truffle with chocolate filling pouring into it is placed on a marble table; in the background, a chocolate maker with only his half face shown is gazing at the truffle. A sentence CREATING THE PERFECT GIFT IS A gift IN INSELF. and a box of Lindor can be seen at the bottom of the advertisement. In this image, different outlines are used to show various shapes of objects. For†¦show more content†¦Firstly, the chocolate truffle is obviously the protagonist in this ad since it is large. It incorporates more than one-fourth of the image. The chocolate filling is being poured into the chocolate shell and a swirl is made. The light and value on the truffle and the filling c reate a smooth, rich texture for the chocolate, suggesting that this is a delectable chocolate and tempting viewers to taste it. Secondly, the chocolate maker is intently looking at the chocolate truffle. His affirmative and serious expression implies that the production process of Lindor is exquisite, delicate and accurate as their chocolate makers make chocolate whole-heartedly. Therefore their chocolate must be of the highest quality. What is more, a further emphasis is put on the chocolate truffle as the chocolate makers eyes lead viewers to focus on it again. Thirdly, the image advertises Lindor as a luxurious chocolate by using grand objects. For instance, the marble table, the golden logo Lindt on the hat of the chocolate maker, and the elegant package of the box of Lindor. All these would give the viewers a feeling of wealth and high-status, which lure them to possess the product. Fourthly, the text CREATING THE PERFECT GIFT IS A gift IN INSELF. has two meanings. It stresses that Lindor is the best option while you need to choose a gift for others. Besides, Lindor is actually a perfect gift given to all people by Lindts sincere

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